Safety Culture

Our Core Value

At Three Phase Line Construction, safety is in our company’s culture, work and everyday life. Three Phase continuously improves in safety with a goal of zero injuries. Through careful planning and identifying, eliminating or controlling hazards, we protect our workers. We also initiate and develop “best practices” and training that keeps our workers safe.


On-site safety managers, regional safety managers, safety committees, supervisors, foremen and a company safety director make up our safety department. This team implements and reviews work procedures, identifies possible job-site hazards and continually builds on and refines our safety program to ensure a safety-first credo.

Ameren ‘Eagle Award’ Winner 2021

We’ve had no safety issues at all with Three Phase’s crews, which is very important to us.


Nicole Harbaugh, Project Manager, High Voltage Transmission Projects, Central Maine Power

Our Safety Program

    • Safety orientation for newly hired employees and in-depth training for managers, supervisors and crewmembers.


    • Pre-job risk analysis at the beginning of every project.


    • Daily tailgate meetings to plan the day’s work and address safety concerns before work begins; weekly project meetings to build safety into every plan.


    • All employees receive a weekly safety agenda that includes: close calls, incident reports, lessons learned and pertinent safety rules for our work.


    • Pre-hire and random drug and alcohol testing to maintain a safe work environment.


    • Everyone in our organization is responsible for preventing incidents, injuries and occupational illnesses.


    • Three Phase is a member of the IBEW, National Safety Council, OSHA Electrical Transmission & Distribution Safety Partnership and other safety organizations and auditing programs.


“Safety is my passion. Early in my career, I was a lineman: Once a lineman, always a lineman. Unfortunately, I saw peers get injured, unnecessarily, and decided I don’t want to visit folks after a serious event; I want to be part of the solution and prevent these events. Safety is preventing incidents, being proactive and getting everyone home to their families.”


Paul Mackintire, Vice President of Occupational Safety and Health

Our 5-point Safety Vision:

Value the health and safety of people above all else.

Drive excellence in safety to drive excellence across the business.

Embrace safety and health among employees to positively impact all operations.

Make safety integral to everything that’s done.

Support safety through actions, policies, resources and decisions.