Environmental Compliance

Environmental Compliance

Our contracting and consulting for clients is underpinned by our on-site environmental professionals drawing on best management practices (BMPs). We protect the environment as part of each project. With full-time environmental pros on staff, our clients don’t have to hire multiple contractors to run the environmental part of a project.


To protect the environment, we minimize our project footprint. And we mitigate the impacts we do have by tapping strategies and tactics tailored for each job. With know-how and specialty equipment, our crews safely tackle modern line construction across environmentally sensitive rights of way. When questions arise, our environmental specialists draw on their regulatory know-how to finish a project on budget, on time and in accord with the permits.


Erosion Control and Site Restoration


Our crews face a variety of challenging environments:  Water management in the White Mountains, stabilizing agricultural lands in Vermont and protecting clean water for Maine’s coastal estuaries.  Three Phase designs and puts in place erosion controls before construction begins. We vigilantly monitor active job sites and restore the site after construction, so it’s permanently stable. And we know how to conscientiously restore ROWs, so clients can quickly terminate permits after construction.

Project Permitting


Three Phase’s expertise includes decades of work conducting wetlands delineation and mapping; preparing wetlands mitigation and restoration plans; and developing site erosion and sediment control plans. Our permit specialists have for years successfully worked and negotiated with federal, state and local environmental agencies on obtaining and terminating permits for our clients.


Matting Installation and Removal


Regardless of the size of the project, we have the equipment, inventory, personnel, and expertise to place and remove construction mats for jobs ranging from constructing lines to clearing vegetation. Our clients can rent our mats for a low rate. Or customers can call on our crews to install mats, which often means our clients speed up the construction process and get meters turning again.